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Apecs Press Caerleon has produced Fine Art Limited Edition Prints of each of the paintings (with border for framing, 400mm x 400mm), The Months of the Year, an Allegory in Watercolour, by Margaret Jones, one of the leading illustrators of traditional Celtic and other folklore tales.

Greetings cards (150mm x 150mm) featuring the Months of the Year are appropriate for all occasions.

Prints and cards are available from: apecsmarak@btinternet.com or phone 01633 431224

January by Margaret Jones. A fine art limited edition of one of the paintings, 'The Months of the Year, an Allegory in Watercolour' by Margaret Jones.

January's a sweeper Brother to snow and sleet...

Hen 'sgubwr yw Ionawr I’r cenllysg a’r eira mae’n frawd…


A coy bride February Who can't make up her mind…

Chwefror, y briodasferch swil Anwadal ei meddwl…


March is a mad quixote, In a helmet plumed with crows…

Don Quixote gwallgo ydyw Mawrth A’r brain yn pluo’i helmed…


April's a strolling player Ring up the curtain again…

Mae Ebrill fel chwaraewr crwydrol. Codwch y llen eto…


Columbine May, the year's darling, Dances, her lover to please…

Tyner Fai, cariadferch y flwyddyn A’i dawns wrth fodd ei chariad…


Hail to the queen of the meadow, And of the meadowsweet hives…

Henffych frenhines gweirglodd, A’r adlodd brysur felys…


July is a lion-tamer, Lord of the dandy-lion pride…

Dofwr y llew yw Gorffenaf, Arglwydd ymffrost dant y llew…


August the pedlar woman Has the year's wealth in her tray…

Awst, hen ddynes yn pedlera Cyfoeth y Flwyddyn ar ei hambwrdd…


On his violin, September Is playing a bitter-sweet tune…

Chwery Medi ar ei ffidil Rhyw chwerw-felys dôn…


October, the huntsman, rouses The winds on a horn of gold…

Daw’r Hydref megis heliwr I ddeffro’r gwynt a’i gorn a aur…


November's a straggler, a drop-out, His pockets bare, empty his flask…

Crwydryn ansefydlog ydyw Tachwedd, Llogellau’n llwm a’r fflasg yn wag…


In the evegreen dark, December Sits at her crystal ball…

Eisteddfa Rhagfyr mewn bytholwyrdd wyll O flaen ei phelen grystal…